Fwd: Eagles Nest Project Open House In North Vernon Indiana

Subject: Eagles Nest Project Open House In North Vernon Indiana

To All aviation contacts,

Please share the attachment and below information with others within your contacts regarding this amazing and inspiring program.

Thank you for your support of our aviation community!


The below message is from Bob Kelly, Eagles Nest Coordinator


This is an open invitation to visit the Eagle's Nest Project nearing completion at Jennings County High School, North Vernon, Indiana.

Background:  An Eagle's Nest Project is a group of high school students building a Van's RV-12 aircraft within their school.  It is supported by Friends of the RV-1, a 501(c)(3) public charity headquartered in Texas.
Eagle's Nest Projects are available to schools and other youth groups at a discounted price, and are supported by Van's Aircraft, as well as FoRV-1.  Eagle's Nest One is at JCHS, as will be Eagle's Nest Two.  ENPs are working to become accredited school classes, offering both HS and college credit.  Other projects will be starting soon both locally and nation-wide.

The best chance to visit the JCHS project will be Wednesday, Feb 8, from
5:30 until 8PM at the JCHS gymnasium.  This is during the school Open House, and the school has graciously given us half of the gym.  This will be the first (and perhaps only) time that the plane will be displayed at the school with most components--such as the wings and tail--in place.  The students will not be working on the plane and will have time to discuss the project.  Many interested people will be there, and we would like to count you in that number.  A representative of Friends of RV-1 will be there!

JCHS is located on the south side of U.S. 50, less than a mile west of highway 7.  We are less than five miles from OVO (North Vernon Airport) and transportation can be arranged to and from the school.  Keep in mind the main runway at OVO is closed, leaving 15 and 33 with a length of 2100 feet.

If the Open House is not a convenient time for you, almost any Tuesday or Thursday evening, 3 to 6 PM, should work.  We will be having work sessions on these evenings until perhaps mid-March, when we will move finally to OVO to complete the plane. You are welcome any time.  To schedule a visit during a work session, contact Bob Kelly, (812) 392-2860.

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