
Showing posts from May, 2010

F-35B promo video

Courtesy of Lockheed Martin You Tube Videos

be200 jet amphib

Civilian Sukhoi -27

Red Bull Aerial Stunts

Blue Angels in HD Watch it on the widest screen you can find, with the sound up.

Photos from Russ Ryle

Evelyn and I had the opportunity to spend some time visiting with the crew of an USAF C37 Gulfstream Sunday and Monday last. Photos attached. The plane is a twelve passenger officer hauler with all of the bells and whistles needed to fly anywhere in the world. They have a "hesds up" display backed up by some old fashion "steam gauges" which are on the center console in the photo. Yes, the real crew completed the pre flight check list. Best regards, Russ & Evelyn Ryle C37 Glass cockpit HUD the lucky couple Pre Flighting the C37


a reply to Peters question from a friend in the NWS " a question comes from our EAA Chap650. Why has the NWS stopped issuing real time weather advisories? At least that's the story we are getting here. The tower at KBMG is telling our pilots that their new WX briefing updated 5 mins before each hour instead of the previous current WX is due to the NWS delivery to them. Is there any light you can shed on this topic?" Pete, The NWS has not stopped real-time weather reports! It never has and it never will. The KBMG Tower likely has a video monitor in their cab called a VDU that shows real-time weather from ASOS. How or if they provide this information to pilots is their choice not the NWS's. Our tower, KAMA, chooses not to provide real-time weather. What I -- and likely you -- hear on ATIS is the ASOS generated METAR which is issued at h+55 in benign weather. I know however, that KAMA ATC uses the real-time VDU weather to brief landing and departing aircraft. T...

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