
Showing posts from April, 2012

Birthday Pictures

Pictures contributed by John Stackhouse of the recent birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Steve and Terry, and thanks for all your work through the years. 

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How cool is this! Flying a glider....

  Now this really looks neat.  I presume it's Swiss from the website address. With landing gear doors. And flaps for take-offs and landings! How cool is this!   Archaeopteryx: Fussstart (Foot launch) - YouTube

motion induced disappearing

This is frightening! It works exactly like it says, and is one major reason people in cars can look right at you (when you're on a motorcycle or bicycle)---AND NOT SEE YOU. From a  former Naval Aviator: This is a great illustration of what we were taught about scanning outside the cockpit when I went through training back in the '50s. We were told to scan   the horizon for a short distance, stop momentarily, and repeat the   process. I can remember being told why this was   the most effective technique to locate other aircraft. It wasemphasized (repeatedly)  to NOT fix your gaze for more than a couple of   seconds on any single object. The instructors, some of whom were WWII veterans with years of experience, instructed us to continually "keep our eyes moving andour head on a swivel" because this was the best way to survive, not only in combat,...

Navy drones hunt for pirates

Navy drones hunt for pirates The U.S. Navy is deploying robot helicopters with sophisticated cameras and sensing software to spot pirate boats - even when they're in crowded sea lanes and coastal areas. Drones are becoming incredibly advanced.  Watch this display of work done at the University of Pennsylvania.

In case you haven't seen this.......... Pretty Cool Model Planes

                           Giant Scale Model Planes including a lot of Jets! Here is a very interesting video of an event by the International Miniature  Aircraft Association. I was most ...

45 foot paper airplane

Red Flag in IMAX format.

"Red Flag" is the greatest preparation a fighter pilot could ever have for combat.  This is the iMax film "Fighter Pilot" –  it's 48 minutes long but worth the watch in full screen & High Definition  Go to the lower right corner of the screen and select 720P and full screen to get the best viewing.  

The story of the secret Nazi airplanes buried in an Indiana field | Mail...

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