Fwd: Book For Would-Be Pilots Now Free

Morning all,

Have not read this, yet, myself but it looks interesting and useful.  Another tool to mint some more pilots.

Blue skys,

Russ Ryle

As seen on AERONEWS:

Sun, Aug 12, 2012
Book For Would-Be Pilots Now Free
Read Online Or Download "Learning To Fly An Airplane" At No Cost

Author and private pilot Ted Seastrom is now offering, free of charge, his book about learning to fly an airplane from a student perspective. "Learning to Fly an Airplane: Insider information from a student perspective" opens up the private pilot flight training process. Its goal is to help would-be pilots get the most value for their time, money and effort.

This is not a book about how to fly. Instead it walks prospective pilots through each stage of the training process. It warns them of the pitfalls and encourages them when facing unexpected challenges. "This is the book I wish I'd read before taking my first flying lesson," Seastrom said. "As a recent student, I believe you will improve your chances for success if you know more about flight training going in. You'll definitely have more fun and less frustration."

Seastrom's motivation for writing the book was the nearly 70 percent dropout rate of student pilots working toward their private pilot certificates. With his own training experience fresh in mind, he decided to provide helpful insights into the process—entirely from the student perspective. "Learning to Fly an Airplane" was originally published on Amazon.com in Feb. 2012. Seastrom said that initial sales helped cover expenses. Now he is able to make the information freely available to anyone interested in the private pilot training process. "This book has always been something of a public service project," Seastrom said. "It's been favorably reviewed by flight instructors and students across the U.S. My goal is to make this unique insight into flight training as widely available as possible."

"Learning to Fly an Airplane" is for anyone who is thinking about becoming a private pilot, and for those interested in how pilots are trained. Commercial pilot training is not discussed. The book's focus is on flight training in the United States, although many countries use a similar approach.

Ted Seastrom is an author, technical writer, and private pilot. The book can be read online or downloaded as a PDF.

More info at:  http://tedseastrom.com/fly

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