Fwd: DECLASSIFIED PHOTOS - 'B-29' "Enola Gay"

   Forest Arden was the chief flight mechanic of a B-29 stationed at Tinian Island.  His aircraft was parked nearby to the Enola Gay and he watched the loading procedure of the first Atomic Bomb.  He said that security was strictly enforced and no one was allowed to approach to within 100 yards!  Few had any inkling of what about to occur.  Everyone was astounded at the sudden end of World War II.
      This is an unbelievable set of photos - the REAL thing - pix from Tinian Island as the B-29 "Enola Gay" was being loaded.

Notice the "Top Secret" stamp on some of the photos. In the last few pix notice the CRUDE sheet metal work on the casing and fins of "Little Boy" - the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.

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