Taylorcraft Funding

Good Morning to All

I am happy to announce that thanks to our generous members we have exceeded our goal of $8000.00 to rebuild our donated Taylorcraft airplane. Be assured that we will use every dollar wisely so that when we are finished with the refurbishment we will have a safe high quality aircraft at the lowest possible cost.

Our treasurer will be setting up an account at the Crane Credit Union for the Taylorcraft funds. Once we receive a debt card and checks from the CU we can start ordering parts needed to complete the restoration. One of the first things purchased will be the new engine for $3500.00. There are a number of additional engine parts that will have to be purchased but until we mount the new engine on the aircraft we will not know what is needed. Richard  has cleaned up the firewall and the engine mount has been inspected and repainted so all is ready for mounting the engine,

The second major item will be the purchase of the interior package. It appears all the needed parts are available for the interior. We plan to make the interior attractive with new seat coverings and matching door panels.

One of the wings has been completely cleaned and repairs have been made to the covering. We should be able to start on the second wing within the next couple of weeks.

I am excited to see the progress we have made so far and look forward to continued progress on the restoration. It will be a beautiful and safe aircraft when we are finished.

Have a Great Week

Jerry Harkin
EAA 650

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