2-6-2021 Workday

 More work was accomplished, cleaning the wing, and inspecting the interior for the Aileron workings and other mechanicals.

These pictures came from Richard and Jim's hangar, where multiple areas were advanced.

Note the fresh motor is now hanging on the airplane.

Richard worked up the firewall to a shiny happy state, and the Mike and helpers got the engine installed.  This had happened since my last visit.

Mike and Richard and helpers worked to get the gascolator installed.  You can see Mike working on the connection at the lower part of the firewall here.

Russ made up a cover for the tail linkage, after Rich and he worked over the linkage so it was contained.  It had been proud of the space, as you can see by the arc on the inside of the cover.

Gerry has been working to get the interior disassembled so the parts can be chased down to get the seating and cockpit back to fine order.

Tim, Al and Steve worked on de-riveting sheet metal for the cowl area.  Some of the parts will be needing new fabrication.

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