Ain't Misbehavin Video

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Jesse Frey
"Ain't Misbehavin"

         Video of Jesse Frey's reunion with his P51 Mustang "Ain't Misbehavin" to play. The you tube link is below.
         The Indiana Wing of the Commemorative Air Force  (CAF) also cordially invites you to join us for our Annual Valentine's Day Dinner Dance.
         The dance will be on February 12, 2011 next year at 6 pm, we will celebrate Valentine's Day in the spirit of a 1940s era USO gala.
          As always, the hanger promises World War II combat aircraft and military vehicles and many new and old friends interested in aviation history.
         DVD version of Jesse's video will be available at next years dance.
Col CJ "Wink" Winkler, CAF

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