
Showing posts from October, 2012

Strega in Action v=E1oJUAAfdwU&sns=em



B17 video

Kermit p51

Aerial Smoke Curtain - Eerie and Surreal

Check out this video on YouTube:

The Last Flying B-24 Bomber (Collings Foundation)

Check out this video on YouTube:

GoPro - Kermie Cam - P 51C Mustang - Part 1

Mosquito... | Facebook

Beautiful new image... | Facebook Read it online:

B-52 Landing Barksdale (2012)

SF Shuttle


lethbridge f-18 crash - Yahoo! Video

Subject: Fwd: lethbridge f-18 crash - Yahoo! Video Search

Hold on, where do you think you're going? Skydiver grabs glider's tail fin as they fly 2,100 metres up at 100mph | Mail Online Hold on, where do you think you're going? Skydiver grabs glider's tail fin as they fly 2,100 metres up at 100mph

FW: Lindbergh's Flight

Thanks Mike, great history I never knew. Cool that Morristown NJ near my home made it. Jan. All 4 parts are long but I watched twice.  Thanks >   >   > A little bit of aviation history - --be sure to watch all four > parts--- see instructions below. > > > Lindbergh's Flight >   >   > READ_INSTRUCTIONS_BELOW > > Win Perkins, a real estate appraiser who specializes in airport > properties,  has posted on his Web site a video he created of > Charles Lindbergh's famous  and risky takeoff in the Spirit of  > St. Louis  .. >   According to Perkins, this is unlike any other presentation of > the takeoff  footage. Perkins said he "painstakingly assembled > news footage from five  cameras that filmed Lindbergh's takeoff > from Roosevelt Field,  Long  Island  " and "mixed it with enhanced > audio from the same...

The U-2 Dragon Lady: The Evolution

Check out this video on YouTube:

Lots Aviation History Pics...

Subject: Lots Aviation History Pics... Aviation History Pics. Be sure to check out all 13 pages. This will keep you busy for a while reliving important history

The A-29 Super Tucano was featured EAA AirVenture 2012 in Oshkosh

Avweb video American Legend, a leading manufacturer of light sport aircraft, is putting the finishing touches on a new model called the Super Legend. It has flaps, a new elevator design and a 115-HP Lycoming O-233.

2012 Raytheon Award Video on Vimeo

2012 Raytheon Award Video on Vimeo Read it online: The footage was shot over 1 year of flying with a Sony HD Handycam and GOPRO Hero. The footage was shot entirely by pilots, no combat camera personnel were used.

jetliner crash

Useful aeronautical definitions...

AIRSPEED - Speed of an airplane.  (Deduct 25% when listening to a retired fighter pilot.)   BANK - The folks who hold the lien on most pilots' cars.   CARBURETOR ICING - A phenomenon reported to the FAA by pilots immediately after they run out of gas.   CONE OF CONFUSION - An area about the size of New Jersey located near the final approach fix at an airport.   DEAD RECKONING - You reckon correctly, or you are.   DESTINATION - Geographical location 30 minutes beyond the pilot's bladder saturation point.   ENGINE FAILURE - A condition that occurs when all fuel tanks mysteriously become filled with low-octane air.   FIREWALL - Section of the aircraft specifically designed to funnel heat and smoke into the cockpit.   FLIGHT FOLLOWING - Formation flying.   GLIDE DISTANCE - Half the distance from an airplane to the nearest emergency landing field.   HOBBS - An instrument which creates an emergency situation should i...

F-18 Ejection / Crash

Subject: F-18 Ejection / Crash Incredible photos from a recent accident in Canada ( Lethbridge ). Check out the sequence of the canopy leaving the scene, the pilot in his rocket-powered seat coming out, the parachute opening sequence, and the separated seat falling away. Modern technology at its best. All of this happened in about two seconds from canopy off to the fireball. Check out all the smoke from the canopy rocket motors. There he goes !  So that's what the striped handle does ! The left engine has the nozzle fully open, showing that #1 engine was developing no power. The white thing is the seat-stabilizing drogue chute. Notice the pilot's head pinned to his chest from the severe "g...