FW: Lindbergh's Flight

Thanks Mike, great history I never knew. Cool that Morristown NJ near my home made it.

Jan. All 4 parts are long but I watched twice.  Thanks

> A little bit of aviation history - --be sure to watch all four
> parts--- see instructions below.
> Lindbergh's Flight
> Win Perkins, a real estate appraiser who specializes in airport
> properties,  has posted on his Web site a video he created of
> Charles Lindbergh's famous  and risky takeoff in the Spirit of 
> St. Louis  ..
>   According to Perkins, this is unlike any other presentation of
> the takeoff  footage. Perkins said he "painstakingly assembled
> news footage from five  cameras that filmed Lindbergh's takeoff
> from Roosevelt Field,  Long  Island  " and "mixed it with enhanced
> audio from the same  newsreel sources."
> This is among the most interesting videos I've seen come over the
> Internet - especially for you pilot types. You first click on
> "CONTACT"  to  the left and select #1, then watch them in order,
> #1 through #4. I was glued  to the screen through all 4.
> What guts it took for Lindbergh to overcome the odds against him
> and accomplish this amazing feat. 
> Remember to select "Contact" before each clip then choose the next
> clip.Click on video at any time to stop it so you can read the
> script. Then click on it to restart it.
> http://www.airportappraisals.com/contact/

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