April 2017 Chapter Update from our President

April Update

            April has as been a busy month and the time is fast approaching for our spring cookout. The event is planned for Saturday the 29th of April from 5 to 8 PM at the Chapter clubhouse. If the weather cooperates we plan to set up the tables outside for everyone to enjoy the nice evening. If not, everything will be setup inside.
To keep our cost down I am asking that everyone attending who’s last name begins with letters between A and M to bring a vegetable or salad and those whose name begins with letters between N and Z to bring a dessert. Also a $10.00 donation for each dinner would be greatly appreciated. Getting a $20.00 dinner for ten bucks is a real deal nowadays.

The chapter will be providing steaks and a fish entre as well as water and sodas. If you desire to have something a little more to your liking with your steak, please feel free to bring it along.
Please let John Stackhouse at jstack@bmcmoves.com, John Hayes at fossilcreek@bluemarble.com, or myself at g.harkin2010@comcast.net know how many in your party will attend and their preference of steak or fish.

Last Saturday we had a work party take care of the molding insulation that was in the floor of the clubhouse. John Hayes, whose past experience as a contractor was invaluable, led the project. The project required pulling down all the old insulation from between the floor supports and dragging it to the crawlspace entrance where a team was waiting to put the insulation into plastic bags. Once all the insulation was removed, a large plastic sheet was laid on the floor to prevent moisture from rising into the bottom of the floor. Along with that work, all the vents were covered with plastic to hopefully seal off the entire crawlspace. Thanks to all who worked the project, but if you were not able to attend don’t worry, we have many more projects in the queue for the year to come.

The chapter is still putting to together the details for the upcoming
Tri-Motor visit on the 18th of May. Many details remain to be worked out but I believe we are on track to have a great turnout. The billboard for the event will be located on old 37 just north of the McDonalds. Radio announcements are planned along with flyers to be posted throughout the city. As the date draws near, we will need more workers for a variety of jobs for the entire weekend. This will be our major fundraising event for the year so I hope everyone can attend and get a ride in the Tri-Motor.

From the “It’s All in How you Say It” category:

Controller to aircraft just landed: Bear right, next intersection.
Pilot: Roger, we have him in sight.
ATC: Cessna G-ABCD What are your intentions?
Cessna: To get my Commercial Pilots License and Instrument Rating.
ATC; I meant in the next five minutes, not years.

I suspect we were all there at one time in flying careers. Everyone fly safe and see you at the spring cookout.

Jerry Harkin

EAA 650

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