April Chapter Update



Subject: April Chapter Update


Good Afternoon to All

Wanted to pass along a few items that are currently underway with the Chapter.

The progress with the Taylorcaft has slowed somewhat while we were waiting on parts. The new mags and wiring harness have arrived so that should be on the short list for installation. The design and fabrication of the new seat is complete, Mike did a great job in designing the seat structure. The new engine cowlings are next on the agenda for fit and installation. Once engine items are complete we should be read for our first engine runs, that will be a big day for us. If all goes well with the runs than we should be off to the paint shop for fuselage painting. After that will be interior installation, then the wings fo back on and we can finally get the aircraft up for sale after a few flights by some of our members. With any luck we may have it ready to sell be the end of May or the first part of June.

David Junkins, a member of the Chapter is experiencing some medical issues and has decided he will not be able to fly anymore. He has volunteered to donate his Zenith 750 to the Chapter for our use. The airplane needs some minor work to get it flyable and it still needs to be certified. I told him we could not take on another airplane until the Taylorcraft is sold so it maybe a while before a decision is made to accept the aircraft. I am soliciting feedback from all our members on if we should accept the airplane and if so, what will we do with it, fly it or sell it. There are a number of issues to consider before a decision is made. Please let me know your thoughts on this Issue.

It is time for a spring cleanup at the clubhouse. John Hayes is our designated house caretaker and will coordinating a cleanup date. We are going to do some major work on the yard along the front of the house that will require some time and muscle from our members. Date for that work is TBD.

This Saturday our meeting will be at the HANGER starting at 9:00 AM instead of the clubhouse. Our hope is to be able to spend more time working on the T-Craft instead of sitting around solving the worlds problems. I will have coffee and donuts at the hangar for all to enjoy. I will send out a reminder on Friday of the change in location.

And finally, many of you know that I have been managing a Piper Warrior for the past couple of years that Al, David and I have been flying. The owner has notified me that he would like to sell the airplane and has asked me to market the aircraft for him and do any demonstration flights that might be required. The aircraft is very well equipped for a small SE airplane. I will be making up a flyer for distribution but wanted to let all our members know that the aircraft is available for purchase before it goes out to the online market. If anyone is interested please let me know.

Jerry Harkin
EAS 650

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