Fwd: [External] RE: Taylorcraft Update

 Taylorcraft Update

Good Morning to Everyone

Good progress is being made on the refurbishment of the Taylorcraft. The new
slick magnetos and wiring harness has been installed as well as the
completion of the new seat frame installation. The current project focus is
a replacement of the engine cowling, both top and bottom. This came about
because of the poor condition of the original cowl and the decision that it
would be easier to replace the cowling in lieu of trying to repair the
original one. Fortunately we have two very good sheet metal fabricators to
do the work. The exterior fuselage has been sanded down and is getting close
to being in shape for repainting. Still have to refine the steps needed to
paint a fabric airplane but I think we have a plan. Once all the cowling and
engine work is completed it will be time to start the new engine and see
what happens, hopefully that will be sometime next month.  After we are
satisfied that all is well with the engine it will off to paint. Upon
returning from the paint shop it will be time to put in the new headliner
and baggage sling.
In the meantime we will continue to meet at the hangar on Saturday mornings
so that any last minute details can be taken care of by those who are
willing to help out. It is a Chapter project so the more help we have the
better it is for all of us. Coffee and donuts will be ready at 9 on Saturday

We are working with one of our members to take on another  project once the
Taylorcraft is completed. Everyone has seen the Zenith 750 that is parked on
the ramp in front of the tower owned by David Junkins. David has offered to
donate the aircraft to the Chapter for our next project. The aircraft is
basically completed but needs some electrical work and some TLC to get it
ready for use. There are still a few details to work through with David
before it is a done deal but I am sure we can work it all out.

Jack Eads, our chief cook and bottle washer, is back with us from Florida
and we are planning a spring cookout in the near future. Date and time to be
determined so will let everyone know when the date is set.

Look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday

Jerry Harkin
EAA 650

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